Insights overview

Spotlight on project management

The Project Management team at Shared Agenda has started the year as they mean to go on, with a wide range of projects underway across several sectors.

They’re managing schemes that span across the health, leisure, sports and education sectors, with diverse scopes of work ranging from new builds to refurbishing, remodelling, extensions and even demolition of existing buildings.

The team started the year with work on The Humber Centre, a secure mental health unit. They’ve been working on a programme of improvements for the centre, creating new facilities to give service users a better quality of life, and managing construction and refurbishment works. This has been a rewarding project to work on, but one that isn’t without its challenges, owing to the unique and sensitive environment and security requirements which means working on site isn’t straightforward. The first phase of works have seen completion of the strip out phase, and is now focusing on minor reconfiguration and fit out. Find out more about the works in the Humber Centre case study.

Continuing our partnership with Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, they have also been working on project managing the decommissioning and demolition of the former Humber NHS Trust headquarters, making way for future developments. As well as organising asbestos surveys, they’ve been making sure the building has had all hazardous materials removed and managing demolition contractors. The building is a large, three-storey building with over 100 rooms, so demotion will be a complex procedure to coordinate.

In Hull, the team are overseeing the construction of a new specialist extension at Miranda House, which will provide specialist assessment and inpatient services. This work started at the beginning of March, and great progress has been made so far with the establishment of the site and foundation works progressing at pace.

Moving outside of the health sector, the team’s project managers have been undertaking several projects on behalf of Hull Esteem, including exciting upgrades to a number of sports and leisure facilities, looking at potential ways to increase the number of school places for young people with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities), and working with further education providers to give new opportunities for adult learners and school leavers in the city.

They’re also working on behalf of Hull Esteem to provide project management support for an exciting part of the Hull Maritime project, helping deliver a permanent structure for the North End Shipyard dock gates, which will provide a new home for Hull’s last remaining sidewinder trawler, the Arctic Corsair. This is a fascinating project, and one very different from anything the team have tackled before. Watch this space for more updates later this year.

Joint Head of Project Management Jonathan Ramsey said the year ahead was shaping up to provide a diverse range of interesting opportunities for the team.

“We’re only a few months into 2024, and we’ve already tackled a huge range of projects,” he said. “Since the start of last year we’ve brought in new people to our project management team, and that’s really helped us expand the range of schemes we can take on. The team are loving the variety of projects they’re working on, and we’ve already got some fantastic schemes lined up for the rest of the year.”

Whether you’re looking to deliver a new facility or make changes to your existing estate, Shared Agenda have extensive experience in providing project management advice and services for a range of public sector clients.

As an extension of your team, they can manage the project from inception through to handover, ensuring stakeholder management, contract administration and leadership at every milestone.

Specific services they can provide include site searches, site suitability assessments, feasibility studies, master planning, managing design and development, procurement, contract management and administration and post-project evaluations.

Wider services also include programme management, cost management and acting as an employer’s agent on your behalf.

Interested in knowing more? Get in touch.

Insights overview